Airbnb offers free wedding guest dress rentals with By Rotation –


Abroad weddings can often cost guests a fair few pennies, but what if their wedding dress was free with accommodation? Airbnb and By Rotation are offering just that.

According to new research by Airbnb, a calendar full of weddings is causing increasing stress and financial worries for guests. 53% of guests in the UK struggle with the cost of attending a wedding while a staggering 83% of Brits will attend at least one wedding this year, with 31% attending four or more.

To lighten the load, Airbnb is not only renting apartments, but also dresses with the fashion rental app By Rotation. The collaboration sees complimentary outfit rentals offered to Airbnb guests who stay in top wedding destinations, including Spain, Italy and France.

Guests can now browse the Airbnb Edit, which showcases a curation of wedding guest outfits, and explore By Rotation’s Wishlist of top Airbnb stays.

Airbnb guests also have the opportunity of receiving £150 worth of By Rotation credit. The duo is even throwing in £100 worth of Airbnb credit too, to put towards future bookings.

Amanda Cupples, General Manager for the UK & Northern Europe at Airbnb, said: “Watching loved ones tie the knot should be a cause for celebration, not worry. With our research showing that guest stress is snowballing, we want to try and ease that pressure.

“Partnering with By Rotation couldn’t have ‘married’ up more perfectly, as their fashion expertise enables wedding guests to hire their dream outfit in a more sustainable and cost-friendly way. This, combined with Airbnb’s range of unforgettable stays all over the globe, where you can have the place totally to yourself, helps make the wedding guest experience all the more easy, and affordable too.”

Eshita Kabra-Davies, Founder and CEO at By Rotation, added: “Airbnb has revolutionised the way we travel, promoting a community-driven approach. The brand is a huge source of inspiration behind the online fashion marketplace we have created at By Rotation. Weddings are such joyous occasions, and attending them should be as stress-free as possible. We believe both our brands can help with that – combining the best of travel and accessible fashion for your wedding calendar.”

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