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Friday, September 20, 2024


Unlock the complexities of politics and its relevance to everyday life. A valuable resource for general audience, parents, and authors seeking well-rounded perspectives.

Kid Rock Says ‘Trump’s Winning’ – ‘If You Don’t Vote For Donald Trump, You...

Source YouTube:, Fox News Kid Rock, who has long been one of the only openly conservative stars...

‘Death To America’ Chants Crop Up At Anti-Israel Protests In Democrat Rashida Tlaib’s Heavily-Muslim...

Screenshot: MEMRI Stomach-churning chants of “Death to America” and “Death to Israel” were heard at a rally in...

CDC Should Never Have Been Exaggerating Risks of Covid

Stanford University Professor of Medicine Dr. Jay Bhattacharya in an interview with John Solomon of 'Just The News' said the CDC and FDA...

Democrats Who Are Showing Up in Rural America

Polarization is a by-product of Democrats. They don't even try to compete in rural America. Matt Barron should know. The principal at MLB...

The American Left's Milosevic Moment

The incitement of tribal hatreds and historical grievances under the cover of Marxist-Leninist language led to the destruction of the multiethnic country of...

Trump vs. Biden: Who Got More Done on Legislation?

Biden, a veteran lawmaker, patiently worked with his congressional opponents and signed many major bills. Trump, an inexperienced hothead, did not. Source link

Liberals Are Losing Their Minds Over The Rock Refusing To Endorse Biden

Screenshot: WWE The life of a Hollywood star can be tough sledding. It’s infinitely more difficult if you...

Monday Open Thread

The post Monday Open Thread appeared first on Source link

Who Should Compete in Women's Sports?

Who Should Compete in Women's Sports? Source link

Take A Look At How High Inflation Is Today Compared To Where Prices Were...

Eddie Welker Flickr/Creative Commons Here’s a little update on inflation and how it’s affecting your everyday life. If...

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Here is what’s illegal under California’s 8 (and counting) new AI laws | TechCrunch

California Governor Gavin Newsom is currently considering 38 AI-related bills, including the highly contentious SB 1047, which the state’s legislature sent to his...

Gen Z needs more than a paycheck at work—here’s how I deliver as CEO

In nearly two decades as a business owner, I’ve learned that understanding people is key to unlocking their true capabilities. When a person...