County Contractors May Be Required to Report How Many Jews (Among Other Minority Groups) They Employ


From the Wayne County (Mich.) Municipal Code; this is the county that contains Detroit:

Sec. 55-14.—Nondiscrimination by county contractors.

(1) A contractor shall, as a condition of being awarded a contract, certify in writing that it is in compliance with the provisions of Section 120-192 of the Wayne County Procurement Ordinance [which generally bans discrimination based on “race, color, creed, national origin, age, marital status, handicap, sex, religion, familial status, height or weight, or prior criminal conviction(s)”].

(2) Upon request, each prospective contractor shall submit to the County data showing current total employment by occupational category, sex and minority group and shall provide copies of its equal employment opportunity policies and procedures.

Sec. 55-6(17) defines “minority” as:

A person who is Black or African American, Native American, Alaskan native, Hispanic or Latino, Asian, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, Middle Eastern, Jewish or Caribbean.

The ordinance was apparently enacted in 20920. I submitted a public records request seeking to see copies of such reports, and was told that “the records do not exist,” which may mean that no requests for such reports had been made so far.

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