FLASHBACK: The Gateway Pundit Was First to Report on Hunter Biden’s Gun Crimes in October 2020 Before the Election – Big Tech and Fake Fact-Checkers Labeled It Fake News | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft


and  Hunter Biden holding a hand gun – photo image from his abandoned laptop – via New York Post

Hunter Biden was convicted Tuesday on federal gun charges in a Delaware court related to his possession of a firearm while using drugs.

Attorney Mike Davis earlier explained this case was a coverup by Delaware US Attorney David Weiss to protect the Biden Crime Family and bury evidence of the family’s alleged multi-million dollar bribery schemes.

According to Davis, Weiss’s charges were part of his deceptive pattern–for years–of protecting Hunter Biden. Weiss was protecting President Biden. Indeed, where are Hunter’s charges related to foreign corruption, acting as an unregistered foreign agent, tax evasion, wire fraud, and other criminal charges that could implicate President Biden?

Hunter Biden was charged with “one count of False Statement in Purchase of a Firearm, one count of False Statement Related to Information Required to be Kept By Federal Firearms Licensed Dealer, and one count of Possession of a Firearm by a Person who is an Unlawful User of or Addicted to a Controlled Substance.”

Hunter was found guilty on all three charges.

Back in October 2020, The Gateway Pundit reported that Hunter’s then-lover and deceased brother’s widow tossed the gun in the trash outside. Hunter admitted this in an online conversation with his family when they accused him of inappropriate conduct in front of a child.

In a long text that Hunter sent to a family friend, Hunter exposed all that was going on with him and his family. (See also the Illustrated Primer)

We shared texts where Hunter comes across as borderline crazy. Hunter shared that his dead brother’s wife, Hallie Biden, whom he had an affair with, threw his gun into the garbage and the police, FBI and Secret Service got involved.

Hallie claimed she did this because she was afraid Hunter would harm himself or the kids!

Below is the text we provided back in October 2020 from Hunter’s laptop that was strangely ignored by the mainstream media at the time and to this day.

** Here are the source documents for the reports via The Illustrated Primer.

The fake fact-checkers and Big Tech blocked our reports on the Hunter Biden laptop at the time and shut down social media accounts that posted our completely factual news on the Biden Crime Family.

This was posted during a family discussion where Hunter accused his mother of suggesting he was sexually inappropriate with the children.

Below is our article with the texts:

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden Held Inappropriate Pictures of Certain Minor — Joe Biden Is Lying

The fake news continues to hide this lewd and disgusting behavior by the First Son from the American public.

But the proof is all there in Hunter Biden’s laptop that the fake news media and intel leaders lied about before the 2020 election and continue to ignore to this day.

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