Hot Tub of Despair: The deadly ocean pool that traps and pickles creatures that fall in



Name: Hot Tub of Despair

Location: Off the coast of Louisiana in the Gulf of Mexico

Why it’s incredible: The brine pool is peppered with the carcasses of animals that were unlucky enough to enter the deadly waters.

The “Hot Tub of Despair” is a deadly pool of extremely salty water at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico. The conditions are so toxic, only bacteria and a handful of animals can survive. 

Researchers discovered the hot tub during a 2015 expedition investigating cold seeps in the depths of the Gulf. Cold seeps are places where hydrocarbons — the principal constituents of oil and gas — escape from the seafloor and enter the water column. In the Gulf of Mexico, hydrocarbons are forced out by shifting slabs of salt in Earth’s crust that formed as water evaporated from an ancient sea millions of years ago.

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