Jamie Raskin Explains To House Republicans That The Founders Are The OG Illegal Immigrants


Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) explained to Rep. Clay Higgins (R-LA) that the founders were the original illegal immigrants to America.

After Rep. Higgins defended one of his colleagues saying that the founders never anticipated this much illegal immigration, Constitutional scholar, Rep. Raskin said, ” There was no immigration law when the Constitution was adopted at all. In fact, the only illegals in the country, at least according to the native population, were the people writing the Constitution. There was no federal law at all.”


To the native population that was already in the United States, the original illegal immigrants were the first settlers, who became the colonists, who became the revolutionaries who fought for independence and later wrote the constitution that is the foundation of the current system of governance.

Republicans regularly refuse to acknowledge the real history of the nation’s founding. Their version of events involves white people writing the Constitution and nothing else that happened should be discussed.

Rep. Raskin was correct. The United States is a nation of immigrants, and the original illegal immigrants who arrived on these shores are those whose descendants would go on to write the Constitution.

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