Strawberry Moon 2024: See summer’s first full moon rise a day after solstice


Summer is about to kick off with a bright start. This month’s full moon, known as the Strawberry Moon, will be at its fullest on Friday, June 21 — one day after the summer solstice — and will shine in the constellation Sagittarius. The moon will also appear bright and full on Thursday (June 20) and Saturday (June 22).

The full moon’s closeness to the date of the solstice, or the start of the astronomical summer, has a noticeable visual effect. Since a full moon sits opposite the sun relative to Earth, it mirrors the sun’s position in the sky. In June — and particularly close to the solstice — the sun is at its highest of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. Its position at midday on the solstice, on June 20 this year, is the highest it ever gets. That makes the full moon the following day the lowest of the year. 

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