The Free Fall Has Begun For Donald Trump


A new Marist Poll confirms what other polling has shown over the last few weeks. Donald Trump is in free fall, and losing support all over the place.

Trump Loses Support As Biden Opens Up A Lead

According to the Marist National Poll:

Three percentage points separate Biden (51%) and Trump (48%) among registered voters nationally, including those who are undecided yet leaning toward a candidate. Earlier this month, Biden received 50% to 48% for Trump. Among those who definitely plan to vote in November, Biden (53%) is +6 percentage points over Trump (47%).

Trump has lost support among independents and those who have an unfavorable opinion of both candidates. Trump (49%) and Biden (49%) now tie among independents. Trump held a 7-percentage point lead over Biden previously (52% for Trump to 45% for Biden). Among those who have an unfavorable opinion of both candidates, Biden (50%) and Trump (48%) are now competitive. Trump previously had a 15-percentage point advantage over Biden (54% for Trump to 39% for Biden) among these voters.

RFK Jr. Hurts Trump And Helps Biden’s Lead Grow

As was found in the latest NBC News Poll, Donald Trump has an RFK Jr. problem. When RFK Jr., Cornell West, and Jill Stein are added to the race, Biden leads Trump 43%-38%, with RFK Jr. at 14%. Jill Stein and Cornell West each get 2%.

With RFK Jr. in the race, Trump’s support with Independents drops from 38% to 30%, while Kennedy’s support has grown from 21% to 27%. Joe Biden’s support with Independents remains unchanged with Kennedy in the race.

RFK Jr. continues to move to the right in his positions, and he is taking support away from Donald Trump. Those right-wing voters who aren’t hardcore MAGAs, but voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020 are currently being successfully wooed by RFK Jr.

If Trump can’t figure out a way to neutralize RFK Jr., he may find his support cannibalized by the candidate that he platformed to split the Democratic vote.

It is way too early and polling is too unreliable to place faith in specific numbers, but the polls are all pointing in the same direction. President Biden is surging, and Trump is losing support at a rapid pace.

Trump is perhaps one criminal conviction away from the total disaster of being in third place behind RFK Jr.

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