‘We were amazed’: Scientists find hidden structure in nebula captured by James Webb telescope


The glorious, billowing Southern Ring Nebula is the cocoon of a dying star — and it has a secret. Scientists have found this nebula to exhibit a double-ring structure that evidences not one, but possibly three stars at its heart.

The Southern Ring Nebula, also designated NGC 3132, is a planetary nebula located about 2,000 light-years away in the constellation of Vela, the Sails. The name “planetary nebula” is a misnomer — such nebulas have nothing to do with planets. Instead, they are the final exhalations of dying, sun-like stars, which transform inside the nebulous chrysalis until finally blossoming into a white dwarf. A nebula is formed from the dying star’s outer envelope, which is puffed off into space following the star’s red giant phase.

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