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Home News Science Car-size asteroid discovered 2 days ago flies 30 times closer to Earth...

Car-size asteroid discovered 2 days ago flies 30 times closer to Earth than the moon


An asteroid discovered Tuesday (April 9) made an extremely close, but harmless, pass by planet Earth today (April 11).

Asteroid 2024 GJ2 is roughly the size of a car and, since its discovery this week, astronomers calculated that the space rock would graze by Earth at a mere 12-thousand-mile (19.3-thousand-kilometer) distance — that’s just three percent the distance between the Earth and the moon. 2024 GJ2 measures between 2.5 and 5 meters (8.2 and 16 feet), according to the European Space Agency (ESA). This means it’s an asteroid with a weight-class that would have burned up in Earth’s atmosphere, if its orbit happened to intersect ours more directly.

Astronomers believe the asteroid’s closest approach distance to Earth occurred at 2:28:42 p.m. EDT (18:28:42 GMT) on Thursday, at a distance of 7,641 miles (12,298 kilometers).

Related: ‘Planet killer’ asteroids are hiding in the sun’s glare. Can we stop them in time?

The next closest flyby of 2024 GJ2 won’t occur until 2093, according to ESA’s near-Earth objects coordination center. When that happens, the asteroid won’t pass nearly as close as it did today. GJ2’s 2093 approach is estimated to fly as close as 127,970 miles (205,947 kilometers) to us — 10 times further than today’s flyby, and just over half the distance between Earth and the moon.

NASA has cataloged nearly 35,000 near-Earth asteroids to date, though very few of those pose any threat to the planet.

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