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Home News Political Kamala Harris Fires Up Detroit And Aims For Early Voting Record

Kamala Harris Fires Up Detroit And Aims For Early Voting Record


Vice President Harris is doing a series of early voting events in Michigan. In Detroit she fired up the crowd and said the goal was an early voting record.

Video of Harris talking about early voting:

Harris said, “So, my team was telling me, so you know Georgia started early voting, and they broke historic records in early voting. North Carolina started early voting, broke historic records in North Carolina. So we are going to break the records here in Detroit today, yes, we are. We are going to do this, because we know what is at stake, and we know the power of the people. This is about the power of the people.”

Harris also pointed out the contrast between her and Trump :

The Vice President said:

We will win. So, you all are here, taking time out of your busy lives and all your other obligations, and I thank you so very much. And I know what today is. This is a working day. We are ready to get out there, we are ready to walk the neighborhood, we are ready to talk with our neighbors and our friends and just of the people that we see and remind them they are important, and that we are so optimistic about our new generation of leadership for America and what we will do together.

That is about investing in working people, in middle-class people, in our children. What we do interns of caring about the education of our children, which is why we are not falling for the other by trying to get rid of the Department of Education and Head Start.

Because we know what we stand for. We stand for the idea that the true measure of the strength of a leader is not based on who you beat down, it is on who you lift up! And these are the things that we stand for, as a community of people that understand the importance of caring and kindness, who understand the importance of having a leader who speaks truth and is not so self-concerned.

Kamala Harris appears to have the message, the campaign, and now she is spending the last couple of weeks of the election doing everything that she can to get her supporters out to vote.

If the early voters show up for her in record numbers in North Carolina, Georgia, and Michigan should could put Trump in a big enough hole that he won’t be able to close the gap on election day.

Harris is out there working in swing states, while Trump is reportedly too exhausted to fully campaign.

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