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Home Lifestyle Fashion S.S. Daley receives Queen Elizabeth II Award from Duchess of Edinburgh –...

S.S. Daley receives Queen Elizabeth II Award from Duchess of Edinburgh –


As London Fashion Week gets underway in the capital, one of the UK’s most innovative design talents S.S. Daley has been awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Award for British Design by HRH The Duchess of Edinburgh.

The award is given annually to a designer who leads with innovation and who makes a difference to society either through sustainable practices or community engagement. Steven Stokey-Daley (creative director at S.S. Daley) received his award at a special reception at The Royal Academy, which featured a special performance by Laura Mvula. The event also marked the launch for the first Impact Report from the BFC Foundation, which was established to support the future growth and success of the industry.

S.S. Daley was launched by Stokey-Daley in 2020 and its design ethos centres around themes of class and identity. Stokey-Daley gained recognition when stylist Harry Lambert selected pieces from his graduate collection for Harry Styles’ “Golden” music video, with Styles recently investing in a minority stake in the brand.

The brand uses deadstock materials spearheading a new sustainable era for fashion and has also been recognised with a prestigious LVMH Prize as well as the BFC Foundation Award at the Fashion Awards.

Speaking of the latest accolade, Stokey-Daley said: “We’re honoured to receive The Queen Elizabeth II Award for British Design this year; a year in which London proves its resilience. It’s a privilege to join such esteemed peers as a recipient of this award, and I want to thank [British Fashion Council CEO] Caroline Rush, [British Fashion Council Ambassador for Emerging Talent] Sarah Mower, HRH The Duchess of Edinburgh, and the British Fashion Council.”

HRH The Duchess of Edinburgh, Steven Stokey-Daley, Caroline Rush

Caroline Rush added: “The Queen Elizabeth II Award for British Design was established to highlight the vital role fashion plays in society and diplomacy, while shining a light on young designers leading the way in sustainability and community engagement. Since its inception in 2018, the award has positioned its honourees at the forefront of global fashion. For a young designer, this recognition provides not only an endorsement of their creative vision but also critical support in building a sustainable and influential brand. SS Daley has made remarkable strides in fashion with his unique approach to menswear and storytelling through design. His use of deadstock fabrics and commitment to diverse model casting demonstrate a bold, innovative spirit that perfectly embodies the essence of British fashion.”

The first winner of The Queen Elizabeth II Award was Richard Quinn, who was honoured when the late Queen sat front row at his London Fashion Week show. Others to have been recognised include Bethany Williams, Rosh Mahtani, Priya Ahluwalia, Saul Nash and Foday Dumbaya.

Meanwhile the Impact Report from the BFC Foundation revealed that from March 2020 to March 2024, it allocated a total of £4.3 million across its initiatives. The report highlights how the grants and scholarships distributed by the Foundation have significantly influenced the British fashion industry, fostering the development of a new generation of creatives and supporting their progression. During the financial year 2023/2024 the BFC invested £619,00 in education supporting 39 designers through scholarships and designer support schemes: National Saturday Clubs, BFC NEWGEN, BFC/GQ Designer Fashion Fund, BFC/Vogue Designer Fashion Fund and BFC Fashion Trust.

Caroline Rush said: “It’s really exciting to launch our first BFC Foundation Impact Report, which showcases our commitment to securing the future pipeline of talent to the industry globally. Despite the challenging landscape that designers are facing, I remain optimistic because of the incredible resilience of our creative community. In 2020, we set the goal of raising £10 million in 10 years and I am delighted to say that we are on track and will continue with this momentum.”

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