Home News Political VIDEO: Pennsylvania Woman Calls For Assassination of Trump at State Fair |...

VIDEO: Pennsylvania Woman Calls For Assassination of Trump at State Fair | The Gateway Pundit | by Jacob Engels


According to a video posted by Noah Formica, a Field Representative for Turning Point Action in Pennsylvania, a woman openly called for the assassination of President Donald J. Trump, one week after the assassin’s bullet almost took the life of the former POTUS at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.

Formica said he was with several volunteers registering new voters for the upcoming election, when the unidentified individual went on a verbal rampage against President Trump, saying she wanted him to be shot, because she “wanted to get rid of him.”

The woman went on to rant about illegal immigrants menstruating, about how she is upset about the illegal immigrants getting deported under President Trump. After posting just a few hours ago, the video has gone viral, garnering over 3,000 reposts on X, formerly known as Twitter, and has nearly 500,000 views.

Formica told this GP journalist in an exclusive quote that he simply asked the woman if she was registered to vote and then it she went off the rails.

We kindly asked this woman if she was registered to vote, and she turned hostile. She was inciting violence on President Trump multiple times and even threatened one of our staffers by telling him he deserved to be shot as well. The lady said she was Christian as well. No Christian should act like this,” explained Formica, who has registered thousands of new voters to date in the state of Pennsylvania. 

James Copenhaver, a retired undercover police detective and liaison to the Joint Terrorism Task Force, said the video was “shocking” and “raises grave concerns” about continued political violence in this country leading up to the November 5th election. He also told TGP that law enforcement must swiftly investigate “sympathizers” who cheered the assassination attempt on President Trump and continue to call for his execution.

“The fact that there are individuals openly advocating for the murder of a political figure is a serious threat to our democratic process and national security. This situation compels us to question the effectiveness and readiness of the United States Secret Service, the FBI, and other law enforcement agencies.

It is imperative that these agencies are thoroughly investigating not only the perpetrators of this attempted assassination, but also any sympathizers who may be encouraging or planning similar acts of violence.

The safety of our leaders and the integrity of our democratic institutions depend on a swift and decisive response to these threats,” explained Copenhaver who has spent the past decade as a national security commentator on high profile domestic terrorist incidents like the shooting of 49 people at Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, the massacre at the country music festival in Las Vegas, and has given over three dozen interviews assessing the assassination on President Trump over the past week. 

Formica said he did report it to law enforcement, who said they will be investigating the situation. The video account of the deranged rant was verified by The Gateway Pundit, after speaking to several eyewitnesses, including author and America First advocate Bobby Jeffries, also of Pennsylvania.

“At the end of the day, I am praying for this woman’s salvation and sanity,” concluded Formica. 

Congratulations to Mr. Formica and others for keeping their cool, amid an increasingly hostile political climate.

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